These trainings are FREE to CHILD CARE PROFESSIONALS. They are funded by MO-DESE as a statewide quality initiative. 

You must work in a licensed, registered, or regulated child care program to be eligible to participate in this training.

Please read and complete the registration information carefully. The Center for Excellence is not responsible for entries completed incorrectly.

Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ 3) Development: This screening tool assesses developmental milestones - gross motor, fine motor, communication, problem solving, and personal-social skills for children 2 months - 66 months. Centers/programs will receive an ASQ3 kit upon completion of the class. 3 clock hours earned.

Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ SE2) Social Emotional: This screening tool assesses social-emotional milestones for children ages 2 months through 72 months. Centers/programs will receive an ASQSE2 kit upon completion of the class. 3 clock hours earned.

Please contact the Center at if you have any questions.

If you do not see a date that works for you, please register on the wait list to receive priority notification of additional training dates.

Wait List Link

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