Residency and fellowship training programs, in partnership with their Sponsoring Institutions, must provide a professional, equitable, respectful, and civil environment that is free from discrimination, sexual and other forms of harassment, mistreatment, abuse, or coercion of students, residents, faculty, and staff.

Programs, in partnership with their Sponsoring Institutions, should provide a confidential process for reporting unprofessional behavior and a confidential process for investigating, and addressing such concerns.

At the MU School of Medicine it is important that we have a respectful learning environment. If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of mistreatment, we encourage you to use the different reporting avenues available to you. If you choose not to report an incident via this form, here are additional options:

You will have the option of deciding whether your report is de-identified or not when it is shared with the Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and the Office of Graduate Medical Education. Wherever possible, the reporter's request for de-identification will be respected; however, in certain circumstances (e.g. Title IX requirements, criminal activities etc.), the School may not be able to honor the reporter's request. Click to read the entire reporting process.

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